How to Buy/Sell Facebook Pages and Accounts (10+ Places)

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Step-by-step Guide for Buying and Selling Facebook Pages and Accounts

Are you considering buying or selling Facebook pages and accounts? This post aims to provide clarity on where to engage in these transactions and whether they are worthwhile.

Topics Covered:

  1. Places to sell your Facebook page
  2. Places to Buyย a Facebook Page
  3. What is the typical pricing structure forย buying and selling a Facebook page?
  4. What are the dangers ofย buying or selling a Facebook pageย or aย Facebook account?
  5. Damage to the Brand and anย Unengaged Audience

Places to Buy and Sell Your Facebook Page

  • Fameswap: is a trusted platform for buying and selling Instagram accounts, YouTube channels, and TikTok profiles.
  • FanPagesMarketย is an ideal destination for selling pages of all sizes. Visit FanPagesMarket for more details.
  • Forums: Consider platforms like Warrior Forum for potential transactions.
  • Viral Accounts: If your page boasts a substantial following (e.g., 100k followers), explore this option.
  • FanPageCash: Another avenue for selling fan pages, especially if they have a significant audience.
  • Marketplaces: Platforms like SEOClerks and Fiverr offer opportunities.
  • Niche-Related Facebook Groups: Engage with groups in your specific niche. Post relevant content or connect with fellow members.
  • Buy & Sell Groups on Facebook: These groups facilitate direct transactions. Examples include this group with 50k members and this group with 130k members.
  1. Warning:

    • Understand the typical pricing structure for buying and selling Facebook pages.
    • Be aware of potential risks associated with these transactions, including damage to brand reputation and disengaged audiences.

To discover relevant groups, simply type โ€œbuy sellโ€ in the Facebook search bar and select the โ€œGroupsโ€ tab. Happy networking!


Potential risks associated with buying and selling Facebook pages and accounts:


    1. Violation of Platform Policies:

    2. Damage to Brand Reputation:

      • Risk: When you buy or sell a Facebook page, you inherit its existing content, followers, and reputation. If the page has a negative history or controversial content, it can harm your brand image.
      • Consequence: Associating with a tarnished page can lead to a loss of trust and credibility among your audience.
    3. Unengaged Audience:

      • Risk: Purchased pages may have followers who are disinterested or inactive. These unengaged followers wonโ€™t contribute to your brandโ€™s success.
      • Consequence: Low engagement rates can impact your reach, visibility, and overall effectiveness on the platform.
    4. Ownership Restrictions:

    In summary, while buying established pages can save time and effort, itโ€™s essential to weigh the risks carefully. Always consider the pageโ€™s history, audience engagement, and adherence to platform guidelines before making a decision.

What is the typical pricing structure for buying and selling a Facebook Page?

The price depends on how many followers there are on the page and the level of engagement; the more engagement, the more you pay or earn per follower.

Usually you will pay around $0.5 per follower for a page with good engagement, so a page withย 1,000 followersย and good engagement will be sold for $500.

If the page has low engagement, the price per follower can be as low as $0.10 per follower, which means a 1,000-follower pageย with low engagement will be sold for $100.

Aย 30,000-follower pageย with good engagement can be sold for $15,000!

What is engagement?

Engagement is the responsiveness of the audience to each post that the page publishes; responsiveness is measured by likes, shares, and comments.


What are the dangers in buying or selling a Facebook page or a Facebook Account?

If you are intending toย buy a Facebook page, it is usually because you want to take shortcuts; you donโ€™t want to take the time, effort, and money to build your own following, but is it worth it?

As you can see in this chart, the organic reach for Facebook pages is at an all-time low.

Itโ€™s just not worth the risk or the money to purchase a Facebook fan page sinceย 2015.

If you are planning toย sell a Facebook page, you need to measure the risks that are associated with this move.

According to theย Facebook terms of service,ย you are not allowed to sell your Facebook page without their written permission.

In other words, you arenโ€™t allowed to sell your page; the odds of Facebook answering your request and giving you written permission are basically zero.

They probably wonโ€™t even answer you.

According to theย Facebook terms of service, they can ban each of the accounts that participate in the transaction, which means the seller and the buyer can find their personal accounts banned.

They can alsoย delete the page.

Which means that if you are buying a Facebook page, you can get your page deleted immediately or shortly after you have control of the page.


Fake Followers

So you can spend money on a page with aboutย 3% organic reachย on average, and this is if the followers are real.

If the page followers are fake, you will get 0.5โ€“1% engagement, or maybe 0% engagement.

You must ask for proof from the page owner about the engagement rate of the posts; he must reveal to you the internal analytics of the page.

How can you ensure that the owner didnโ€™t purchase fake followers just to sell the page and make a profit?

There are some crooks out there that build a page and then purchase fake followers, blow it up to 30,000 followers, and then sell it, and this is their business model. Donโ€™t fall for this scam!


Damage to the Brand and Unengaged Audience

Selling your pageย is aย โ€˜betrayalโ€™ย of your followers’ trust; they followed you for a reason, especially if you are an influencer or a brand.

They will wonder what happened to you and why you are not giving them any updates anymore; instead, there is a new owner who does not provide the same content and is not the brand owner.

You can also damage your brand image, whether itโ€™s a personal brand, a company, or a product or service. Itโ€™s probably not something you want to do if you care about your brand’s future.

If you are buyingย a pageย from a brand, influencer, or business, the followers and reach that you will get are not relevant to your brand; they are not your fans.

Which means they will not see you with a good eye.

So you are purchasing an audience that doesnโ€™t even want to hear from you.

Itโ€™s like purchasing an email list and sending emails without permission; this is called spam.

We donโ€™t recommend that you buy or sell a Facebook page; it isn’t worth it.

Although we donโ€™t recommend it,ย there are some success storiesย in the industry where companies purchased big fan pages and saw success.

Example of a success story:

In 2017, Buzzfeed purchased many big fan pages without any legal action taken by Facebook, and they saw good results.

  1. The Underground Economy:

    • In the past, an interesting underground economy existed on Facebook. People would buy and sell not just followers and likes, but entireย Facebook fan pages. Instead of building a page from scratch, some entrepreneurs opted to purchase existing pages with established followers.
    • Marketplaces likeย ViralAccountsย facilitated these transactions. The strategy was based on the fact that many users like pages without actively engaging with them, often seeing only a post or two per year.
  2. Reasons for Selling a Facebook Fanpage:

    • Return on Investment (ROI): Some sellers havenโ€™t found a satisfactory ROI on Facebook and choose to recoup losses by selling their pages.
    • Business Changes: If a business collapses or goes bankrupt, selling a fan page becomes a way to liquidate an asset thatโ€™s no longer valuable.
    • Entrepreneurial Tactics: Some entrepreneurs rapidly build fan pages using viral techniques, intending to sell them afterward for profit.
  3. Pricing and Value:

    • Fan pages up for sale typically have a few hundred to a few thousand followers, often with low engagement. Prices range fromย $50 to $500, depending on the follower count and engagement level.
    • High-end pages with more followers and active engagement can sell forย upwards of $20,000, although such cases are rare.
  4. Why Buy a Fan Page?:

    • Laziness and Efficiency: Purchasing an established page appeals to those who lack the time, energy, or knowledge to grow a page organically.
    • First Thousand Followers: The initial followers are the most challenging to acquire. Buying an account with an existing fan base saves time and effort.
    • Cost-Effectiveness: Starting and growing a page through an agency can be more expensive than buying an established page.
  5. Arbitrage and Ownership Restrictions:

    • Arbitrage: One reasonย notย to buy a fan page is arbitrage. You canโ€™t resell a page later for profit once youโ€™ve grown it, due to Facebookโ€™s restrictions on changes of ownership.
    • Facebookโ€™s Stance: While this underground economy existed, itโ€™s essential to note thatย Facebook has always considered buying and selling pages unsafe and against its terms.ย Recently, Facebook has been actively banning pages that were sold1.

In summary, while buying and selling Facebook pages may seem tempting, itโ€™s crucial to weigh the risks, adhere to Facebookโ€™s terms, and consider alternative strategies for building an engaged online presence. ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ‘


It is not recommended to buy pages, groups or accounts, in the best-case scenario, you will get an irrelevant audience that doesnโ€™t want to hear from you with low reach and engagement.

In the worst-case scenario, you will get your Facebook account banned.

There are no shortcuts, you need to work hard in order to build a loyal following, and you can start right now by building a Flipmsg profile.

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