Which URL Shorteners Does Facebook Accept? (Full List)

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Facebookโ€™s Take on URL Shorteners

๐Ÿ”ย Facebookโ€™s Policy on URL Shorteners:

Facebook recognizes the convenience of URL shorteners but treads carefully due to potential misuse.

Some services have earned the label ofย โ€œunsafe and abusiveโ€ย because hackers and spammers exploit them for phishing or distributing harmful content.

However, Facebook still embraces certain URL shorteners with a positive track record.

๐Ÿ‘ย Accepted URL Shorteners:

  1. Bitly: Known for its reliability and robust analytics features.
  2. TinyURL: A straightforward choice that plays well with Facebook.
  3. Flipmsg URL Shortener: Offers analytics and even segments traffic into tiersโ€”useful for various purposes.

๐Ÿ”—ย Branded Links on Facebook:

  • Branded links elevate your online presence and prevent Facebook from blocking your short URLs.
  • Rebrandlyย shines here:
  • Customize Links: Add your brand name for a professional touch.
  • Track Clicks: Dive into link performance analytics.
  • Boost CTR: Up to 30% more clicks!
  • Build Reputation: Strengthen your brand awareness.
  • Free Plan: Get up to 5 custom branded domain links.

๐ŸŒย Self-Hosted URL Shorteners:

  • Want more control? Consider hosting your own URL shortener script on your domain.
  • Self-hosted solutions offer ownership, customization, and freedom from third-party limitations.
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๐Ÿš€ย In a Nutshell: Choose your URL shortener wisely based on your needsโ€”whether itโ€™s personal use, business branding, or marketing efforts. Remember, Facebook gives a nod to some services, but safety and reliability should always be your compass. Happy linking!


Benefits of Branded Links on Facebook:

  • Consistency: Branded links help you maintain a consistent online presence across Facebook. Whether itโ€™s your profile, posts, ads, or comments, using a dedicated, branded domain ensures uniformity.
  • Brand Awareness: When users see your brand name in the link, it reinforces brand recognition. Branded links contribute to building brand awareness and reputation.
  • Higher Click-Through Rates (CTR): Studies have shown that branded links can boost CTR by up toย 30%ย compared to generic short links.
  • Avoiding Spam Flags: Facebook sometimes marks generic short links as spam. Branded links, associated with credible brands, are less likely to trigger spam filters.
  • Analytics: Services like Rebrandly provide robust analytics, allowing you to track clicks on your short links and gain insights into user engagement.

Creating Custom Branded Short Links for Facebook:

Rebrandly: Rebrandly is a powerful URL shortener platform that allows you to create custom short links with your own brand name. Hereโ€™s how:

  • Sign Up: Create a free Rebrandly account.
  • Choose a Domain: Register a branded domain (e.g.,ย YOURBRAND.social) on Rebrandly.
  • Create Links: Easily generate branded short links (e.g.,ย YOURBRAND.news/todayย orย YOURBRAND.sale/dailydeal).
  • Share: Start sharing these branded links on Facebook and other platforms.

Benefits of Rebrandly:

  • Preventing Blocks: Branded links are less likely to be blocked by Facebook due to misuse, as they carry your brandโ€™s credibility.
  • Multiple Domains: Rebrandly allows up toย 5 custom branded domainsย even on the free plan.
  • Analytics: Track clicks and monitor performance.
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Self-Hosted URL Shorteners:

  • If you prefer hosting your own URL shortener, you can install a script on your own domain. However, this requires technical expertise and maintenance.
  • Self-hosted scripts give you complete control over your branded links, but services like Rebrandly offer convenience and analytics without the hassle of self-hosting.

In summary, branded links not only enhance your Facebook presence but also contribute to a cohesive brand identity. So go ahead, create those memorable short links and make your brand stand out!


What Are Self-Hosted URL Shorteners?

  • A self-hosted URL shortener is a solution where you host your own URL shortening service on your domain or server.
  • Instead of relying on third-party services, you have complete control over the shortening process.

Advantages of Self-Hosted URL Shorteners:

  • Privacy and Security: When you self-host, your data remains within your infrastructure. Youโ€™re not dependent on external services, reducing the risk of data leaks or privacy breaches.
  • Customization: Self-hosted solutions allow you to customize the short URLs according to your branding or preferences. You can choose your own domain and create meaningful, memorable links.
  • Control: You decide how the service operates. You can set expiration times for links, manage access permissions, and even track statistics privately.
  • Cost-Efficiency: While there might be an initial setup cost, self-hosting eliminates ongoing subscription fees associated with third-party services.
  • API Access: Many self-hosted URL shorteners offer APIs, allowing you to integrate them into your applications or workflows seamlessly.

Popular Self-Hosted URL Shorteners:

    • Kutt: Kutt is a free and open-source self-hosted URL shortener.ย It supports custom domains, password protection, and private statistics.
    • YOURLS (Your Own URL Shortener): YOURLS is another well-known self-hosted option.ย It provides customization, analytics, and API access.
    • Lnnkin: Lnnkin offers features like referrer-wise click tracking and custom domains.ย Itโ€™s user-friendly and fully responsive.
    • T2M: T2M boasts unlimited URLs, clicks, and redirects.ย Itโ€™s API-friendly and supports custom branded domains.
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Remember, self-hosted solutions empower you to manage your links efficiently while maintaining control and privacy. Choose the one that aligns best with your needs! ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ”—

Can my account get banned for using shortened links on Facebook?

Facebook wonโ€™t ban your account just because you have used a URL shortener, but it can disallow some services on the platform.

it seems that they change their mind about the subject quite often.

So, you can expect changes about this subject in the future.

At this point the Google URL shortener is not available anymore, and all other URL shorteners are allowed on facebook.



In the past, Facebook used to block all URL shorteners, we talk about 2009-2010, due to abuse of these services by hackers and spammers.

Since then, Facebook found solutions to handle abusive behaviour from users, and now again ,it allows using URL shorteners on itโ€™s platform.