15 Best Facebook Groups for Autistic Adults (Inside Look)

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โš ๏ธDisclaimer:

The information provided in the article is based on publicly available content and online sources, I do not have the ability to independently verify the accuracy or reliability of the information presented in the article. Therefore, readers are encouraged to exercise critical judgment and conduct further research before relying solely on the content provided.

Additionally, individual experiences may vary, and what works well for one person may not be suitable for another. It is essential for readers to consider their unique needs, preferences, and circumstances when exploring support groups or communities.

Always consult with qualified professionals or seek advice from trusted sources when making decisions related to health, well-being, or personal matters. The inclusion of any specific group in the article does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the author or any affiliated parties.

Remember that seeking professional advice and connecting with reputable organizations can provide more personalized and accurate guidance. ๐ŸŒŸ


15 Best Groups for Autistic Adults – Quick Overview

  1. Autistic Adults – Emotional Support: This private group aims to help autistic adults deal with anxiety, depression, and other emotional challenges. Members share tips, tricks, and vent about their feelings. Remember to be kind to each other, as this group is inclusive ofย ALLย people.
  2. Autistic Self Advocacy Network: While not exclusively for adults, this group advocates for autistic individuals. It provides a platform for self-advocacy and support.
  3. Aspergerโ€™s Life Support: A group specifically focused on supporting individuals with Aspergerโ€™s syndrome. Itโ€™s a place to connect, share experiences, and find understanding.
  4. ADHD Support: Although not exclusively for autistic adults, this group offers support for those dealing with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It can be a valuable resource for individuals with overlapping conditions.
  5. Aspergerโ€™s Support for Women: A space dedicated to women with Aspergerโ€™s, where they can discuss their unique experiences and challenges.
  6. Autistic Older Adults: A group for older autistic adults to connect, share stories, and find support.
  7. Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network (AWN): This group focuses on the experiences of autistic women, nonbinary individuals, and gender-diverse people. It provides a safe space for sharing stories, discussing challenges, and celebrating achievements.
  8. Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A supportive community where adults with ASD can connect, ask questions, and seek advice. Members share resources, coping strategies, and personal insights.
  9. Autistic Adults – Special Interests: If you have specific interests or hobbies, this group allows you to connect with others who share similar passions. Whether itโ€™s art, music, science, or any other topic, youโ€™ll find like-minded individuals here.
  10. Neurodiverse Relationships: This group explores relationships, dating, and friendships from a neurodiverse perspective. Itโ€™s a valuable space for discussing communication challenges, boundaries, and building meaningful connections.
  11. Autistic Pride Alliance: A group that celebrates neurodiversity and promotes acceptance and pride among autistic individuals. Itโ€™s a positive space for sharing achievements, artwork, and personal stories.
  12. Autism Womenโ€™s Network: Focused on empowering autistic women, this group provides resources, discussions, and a supportive community. It aims to amplify the voices of women on the spectrum.
  13. Autistic Adults – Employment Support: If youโ€™re navigating the job market, this group offers advice, job leads, and strategies for career success. Members discuss workplace accommodations and share experiences.
  14. Autistic Parents and Adults: A unique group where both autistic parents and autistic adults can connect. Itโ€™s a place to discuss parenting challenges, family dynamics, and self-care.
  15. Autistic Travelers: For those who love to explore, this group shares travel tips, accessible destinations, and experiences related to traveling while autistic.
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1๏ธโƒฃAutistic Adults – Emotional Support:

Private group

Purpose and Focus:

  • This private group is specifically designed to provideย emotional supportย for autistic adults.
  • Members come together to discuss their experiences, challenges, and emotions related to being on the autism spectrum.
  • The primary goal is to create a safe and understanding space where individuals can express themselves openly.


Anxiety and Depression:

  • Many autistic adults grapple with anxiety and depression. These conditions can be isolating and overwhelming.
  • In this group, members share coping strategies, personal stories, and ways to manage anxiety and depressive symptoms.
  • Itโ€™s a place to find empathy, encouragement, and practical advice.


Sharing Tips and Tricks:

  • The group encourages members to shareย practical tips and tricksย theyโ€™ve discovered along their journey.
  • Whether itโ€™s managing sensory overload, navigating social situations, or coping with meltdowns, everyone contributes their insights.
  • These shared strategies can be incredibly valuable for others facing similar challenges.


Venting and Validation:

  • Sometimes, autistic adults need a space toย ventโ€”to express frustration, sadness, or confusion.
  • In this group, members can share their feelings without judgment. Others respond with validation, understanding, and virtual hugs.
  • Knowing youโ€™re not alone in your struggles can provide immense comfort.

Inclusivity and Kindness:

  • The group emphasizesย inclusivityย by welcomingย ALLย people.
  • Autistic adults from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives participate.
  • Members are encouraged to be kind, respectful, and supportive toward one another.

Remember, this group serves as a lifeline for many, offering a sense of community and understanding.

Itโ€™s a place where autistic adults can find solace, connect with others who truly get it, and build meaningful connections. ๐ŸŒŸ


2๏ธโƒฃAutistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)

About ASAN:

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Advocacy and Inclusion:

  • ASAN advocates for theย inclusion of autistic peopleย in decisions that directly impact them.
  • This includes advocating forย legislationย that protects the rights of autistic individuals, ensuring accurate and respectfulย media portrayal, and improvingย disability services.
  • By actively participating in these discussions, ASAN ensures that autistic voices are heard and respected.

Educational Resources and Advocacy Tools:

  • ASAN creates and disseminatesย educational resourcesย to empower autistic individuals and their families.
  • They provideย advocacy toolsย that help navigate systems, understand rights, and promote self-advocacy.
  • Whether itโ€™s understanding legal rights or accessing services, ASAN equips the community with essential information.

Community Support and Newsletters:

  • ASAN fosters a sense of community through theirย newslettersย and online presence.
  • These newsletters highlight important issues, share success stories, and keep the community informed.
  • ASANโ€™s work extends beyond advocacyโ€”itโ€™s about building connections and supporting one another.

Remember, ASAN is more than an organization; itโ€™s a movement driven by the collective strength of autistic voices.


3๏ธโƒฃAspergerโ€™s Life Support:

Membership Details:

  • Private groupย with overย 10,000 members.
  • Created inย December 2015.
  • Accepting membership requests fromย #actuallyautistic individuals.

Overall Purpose:

Purpose and Focus:

  • This group is aย safe havenย specifically tailored for individuals withย Aspergerโ€™s syndrome.
  • Members come together toย connect, share their unique experiences, and findย understanding.
  • Itโ€™s a place where individuals can discuss the challenges they face and celebrate their strengths.

Inclusivity and Identity:

  • The group emphasizes thatย how you identify is YOUR choice.
  • It welcomes bothย self-diagnosedย individuals and those withย official diagnoses.
  • Aspergerโ€™s Life Support aims to be theย best ASD group in the cosmos.

Group Rules and Etiquette:

  • Respectful communication is encouraged.
  • Topics such asย politics,ย religion, andย hate speechย are off-limits.
  • Members are asked not to share group discussions externally.
  • Dedicated threads exist for self-promotion, artwork, and dating.


4๏ธโƒฃADHD Support:

Who Can Benefit?:

  • This group is not exclusively for autistic adults but offersย support for ADHD.
  • Itโ€™s a valuable resource for individuals dealing withย attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • The group includes people with ADHD, theirย family members, andย loved ones.
  • Professionals interested in ADHD also participate.


Purpose and Benefits:

  • ADHD support groups createย safe and understanding environments.
  • Members share experiences, coping strategies, and insights.
  • These groups empower individuals to manage ADHD symptoms and thrive in various aspects of life.


Organizations Offering Support:

  • Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA): Offers virtual programs and support groups for various demographics.
  • Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD): Provides in-person support groups across the United States.
  • ADDitude magazine: An online resource for news, advice, and connections.
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Overall Impact:

Alongside other ADHD treatments, support groups help individuals maintain new behaviors, reinforce positive thought processes, and manage day-to-day symptoms.

Remember, these groups serve as lifelines, fostering understanding, connection, and empowerment for those navigating the complexities of Aspergerโ€™s and ADHD.

5๏ธโƒฃAspergerโ€™s Support for Women:

Visit group

  • A safe space dedicated to women with Aspergerโ€™s.
  • Participants can discuss their unique experiences and challenges.
  • Facilitated by individuals who have professional and lived experience.
  • Not intended to be therapy.
  • Online format, with registration required.
  • Multi-session groups (6-8 sessions) or single-session open groups available.

Cost varies based on group type.


6๏ธโƒฃAutistic Older Adults:

  • A group specifically for older autistic adults.
  • Provides a platform to connect, share stories, and find support.
  • Addresses the needs and experiences of older adults with autism.
  • Challenges faced by those diagnosed late in life.
  • May focus on physical and mental health concerns.

Encourages establishing a safety net of support.


7๏ธโƒฃAutistic Women and Nonbinary Network (AWN):


  • AWN is aย 501ยฉ(3) tax-exempt non-profitย organization.
  • Their mission is to provide community support and resources for:
  • Autistic women
  • Nonbinary individuals
  • Gender-diverse people

Focus Areas:

  • Safe Space: AWN offers a safe space where members can:
  • Share their stories
  • Discuss challenges related to autism
  • Celebrate achievements
  • Diversity and Intersectionality: AWN recognizes and celebrates the diversity of experiences within the autistic community, including intersectional identities.


  • AWN operates under the following principles:
  • Disability Justice
  • Gender Equity
  • Racial Equity
  • Neurodiversity
  • Trans Liberation
  • Transformative and Restorative Justice

Notable Initiatives:

  • Resource Guide for Autistic Trans Youth: AWN is developing a resource guide to support autistic trans youth.
  • Know Your Rights Guide: AWN created a guide for trans people seeking medical care, along with a related webinar.
  • Social Gathering Spaces: AWN sponsors and helps organize social gathering spaces for trans autistic youth.
  • Autistic People of Color Fund (APOC): AWN fiscally sponsors APOC, which provides direct financial support to Autistic people of color through micro-grants.


AWN published the bookย โ€œSincerely, Your Autistic Childโ€, authored by autistic individuals with diverse lived experiences, including trans, queer, and BIPoC autistics. The book focuses on growing up, acceptance, and identity.


AWN supports theย Equality Act, advocating for federal protections from healthcare discrimination for LGBTQIAP+ autistic individuals.

For more information, you can visit theย Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network website. ๐ŸŒŸ


โžก๏ธHelpful Resources for Autism Beyond Facebook Groups:

Autism Grown Up Resource Center:

Focus: Transition to Adulthood and Beyond.

Community for anyone involved with the autism community.

Provides ideas, inspiration, and resources.


Autism Parents Support Group:

A supportive social media group for parents of children with autism.

Connects parents, shares experiences, and offers compassion and wisdom.


Autism Awareness Australia (AAA):

Provides myth-busting information about autism.

Offers research updates and resources for parents and caregivers.


Resources for Autism:

UK-based charity offering practical services for children and adults with autism.

Provides support, navigation, and coaching.

Reading Rockets: Top Autism Organizations and Web Resources:

A curated list of organizations and web resources focused on advocacy, information, and support for families and educators of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Remember to explore these resources and find the ones that best suit your needs! ๐ŸŒŸ